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Behind the VeilBehind the VeilBehind the VeilBehind the VeilBehind the Veil

0.020 ETH

Behind the Veil

Creator earnings: 4.69%

0.020 ETH

0.020 ETH

0.020 ETH

0.020 ETH

0.0 0.0 2.5 2.5 nft1155 0x190c4DD3bd621975903f822490a359B31d893b57

Tri Head / 1 of 1

2 % of resale royalty

305.0 WMATIC ($ 116.98)

Each Tri Head represents the Kore Kosmou people of the Triangle Order. Curated over 3 years, to tell the story of the Tri Head Society! 
Each Tri Head represents the Kore Kosmou people of the Triangle Order. Curated over 3 years, to tell the story of the Tri Head Society! 

Minted about 1 year ago
by @Duce Haus